Master Checkpoint test

Target group


Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Other, American Football, Baseball, Ice Hockey

From age:



Gathering data on various tests and drills


1 Ledsreact Pro
Other material dependant on the type of test or drill

Data points

Total time, time per repetition, speed throughout test, acceleration & deceleration throughout test


For other types of tests where the start and end point are the same, like a shuttle run, a three-cone drill or a lateral competition, Ledsreact proposes the Master Checkpoint exercise.

In this test, you have the liberty to set up any pattern you’d like and have the Ledsreact Pro display colored signals for your athletes to react to.

Like the other pre-programmed tests, the athlete is tracked during their entire trajectory, allowing you to get insights into the speed, acceleration and deceleration of your athletes’ performance.


Discover more

The 5-10-5 or Pro Agility test looks into an athlete's change of direction capabilities in both right and left direction
Track every single movement of up to 4 people at the same time throughout a sprint test
The Agility Box test challenges your athletes' decision making speed
The Agility T-test quantifies how athletes change direction in response to an unexpected stimulus
Perform a sprint up to 50 meters and get insights into every moment of the performance
The COD or 505 test gives you detailed insights into how an athlete changes direction